"The Creation of Man" also known as "The Creation of Adam." by Michelangelo. 1508 -1512
Michelangelo was a sculpture, painter, and architect, widely considered to be one of the greatest artist of the Renaissance- and arguably of all time. Born on March 6, 1475 in Caprice, Italy. His father worked for the Florentine government, and shortly after his birth the family returned to Florence, the city Michelangelo would always consider his true home.
Because his work was recognized as extraordinary, he was commissioned by many in the upper hierarchy including the Pope Julius in 1505 to sculp a grand tomb of 40 life-size statutes. His work can be seen over many places in Italy including his famous depiction of the 12 apostles in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and his sculpture of David. This artist lived to age 88 and is buried in the Basilica di Santa Croce.
Michelangelo was a sculpture, painter, and architect, widely considered to be one of the greatest artist of the Renaissance- and arguably of all time. Born on March 6, 1475 in Caprice, Italy. His father worked for the Florentine government, and shortly after his birth the family returned to Florence, the city Michelangelo would always consider his true home.
Because his work was recognized as extraordinary, he was commissioned by many in the upper hierarchy including the Pope Julius in 1505 to sculp a grand tomb of 40 life-size statutes. His work can be seen over many places in Italy including his famous depiction of the 12 apostles in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and his sculpture of David. This artist lived to age 88 and is buried in the Basilica di Santa Croce.