We return our look as some unusual animals around the world.
Shoebill Stork.
These creatures have bills shaped like a shoe. They are unusually tall, with some of them reaching heights as much as 4 feet.
As you may have guessed, shoebills are highly effective predators. Their long legs are effective for traversing shallow waters, where they prey on reptiles, rodents and fish. They are even known to strike against juvenile crocodiles.
Penis snake
These creatures have bills shaped like a shoe. They are unusually tall, with some of them reaching heights as much as 4 feet.
As you may have guessed, shoebills are highly effective predators. Their long legs are effective for traversing shallow waters, where they prey on reptiles, rodents and fish. They are even known to strike against juvenile crocodiles.
Penis snake
This snake's head really does look like the human male anatomy. However, this creature is an amphibian and not a reptile like a snake.
Penis snakes are mainly found at the mouth of the Amazon River where they feed on bugs and small fish
Japanese Spider Crab
Japanese Spider Crab
Found off the coast of Japan.. They are not dangerous hunters, but are more carnivorous scavengers and will devour any dead fish or mammal that reaches their habitat at the ocean floor.
Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko
Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko
This lizard has a leaf -tailed portion of its body that mimics a dried-out brownish leaf. The skin has even formed veins to replicate the veins of a leaf.
Found in Madagascar this animal has a remarkable capacity for camouflage so, if you go searching for one , you might come up empty handed. This gecko can trick predators by voluntary shedding its tail. Unlike some portrayals in some section of the media, the gecko does not have red flaming eyes.
Indian Purple frog
Found in Madagascar this animal has a remarkable capacity for camouflage so, if you go searching for one , you might come up empty handed. This gecko can trick predators by voluntary shedding its tail. Unlike some portrayals in some section of the media, the gecko does not have red flaming eyes.
Indian Purple frog
These frogs do not bear the features of your every day frog. Instead, the possess a unique and striking purple color and are shaped like a lump thus appearing deformed.
They spend the majority of their lives tucked underground, sucking termites and other burrowing insects only surfacing a week or two during the mating periods.
You'll find these frogs specifically in the Western Ghats mountain range in India
​Photo Credit: Far and Wide
They spend the majority of their lives tucked underground, sucking termites and other burrowing insects only surfacing a week or two during the mating periods.
You'll find these frogs specifically in the Western Ghats mountain range in India
​Photo Credit: Far and Wide