Brenda Lee was just 13 years-old when she sang that classic holiday song"Rocking Around the Christmas Tree. (1958)
Brazil has the world's largest floating Christmas tree. It measures a staggering 278 ft 10 ins. and glows with almost three million lights.
Legend has it that the custom of hanging of stockings at Christmas actually came out of a marriage story. According to Smithsonian, a poor man was worried that he would be unable to marry off his three daughters because of lack of wealth. Luckily, Saint Nicholas was wandering through the town where the man lived and heard of his plight. Afraid that the man would refuse his gift, Saint Nicholas slid down the chimney and filled the girl's recently laundered socks which was drying by the fire, with gold coins. The family found the gifts, and the girls became eligible to be wed. 'Twas a Christmas miracle.