The Godawful Hygiene of The Wild West
Women set the bar of hygiene higher than men in those times. Life was challenging, with many individuals living in makeshift settlements or isolated ranches far from established towns. The lack of modern amenities and medicine made hygiene a constant struggle. However, the women used innovative methods to ensure higher standard of cleanliness for their families and communities.
While the societies of the Old West were not particularly hygienic, the women were inventive and resourceful when it came to washing their hair. They would either mix whiskey with castor oil or use soapweed, a wild plant abundant in the region, leaving their locks refreshed and fragrant.
Today, most shower routine would involve slathering with some sweet smelling soap. But days in the Wild West were different. Instead of soap people used "soap-weed" which Mexican women used to wash their hair. The substance was made from the yucca plant and had a wonderful soft lustrous effect. But others opted for a grosser cleanser. Some used soap made from animal fat to clean themselves.