The 96th Academy of Merit (Oscars) show was held on Sunday, March 10 at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, Los Angeles. The ceremony honored artist in 23 categories for their word in the motion picture industry. As usual there were the expected winners , a few surprises and some not so good outcomes. However, the night was packed with other celebrity attendees who wanted to highlight their couture. It's another occasion when designers have the opportunity to display their latest creations. We'll take a look.
Margot Robbie
Carey Mulligan
Issa Rae
Danielle Brooks
Emma Stone
Ryan Gosling
Charlize Theron
Jennifer Lawrence
Annette Bening.
Dennis Gelin
Jon Batiste
Catherine O'Hara.
Dominic Sessa
Simu Liu
Martin Scorsese
Kazu Hiro
Scott Evans
Sterling K. Brown
Celine Song
Becky G.
Photo Credit: Vogue.
Photo Credit: Vogue.