Talking about Gen Zs ruling the world. Well, here is one huge example, Emma Marie. Girl you have showed us how to create magic by doing so many things on YouTube. And you only just turned 20 on Jan 20. What more have you got? We're following you.
Here we go again! Another Gen Z, ruling the rap world. Respect to you Blueface, lay it on. You run the show. Hey you must have had a rapping good time on Jan 20, you special day. Thirty-seven -still young and kicking.
Hey Alex (Sampson), you're a real Sampson, ,I mean you moved from stocking grocery shelves in 2019 to a pop singer by writing your own songs and uploading them on TikTok which streamed more than 50 million times. Wow Alex! You've got it going. Living the dream. We heard you on Jan 20 when you celebrated your 20th birthday. Keep on singing Alex, We're listening.
Puerto Rican born, Texas raised , pop singer, Ricky Garcia turned 25 on Jan 22. Hey Ricky, what about "All I Wanna Do?" as a birthday special for us. We're listening!