What Suppresses Your Immune System?
A robust immune system is absolutely necessary is we want to stay healthy and less susceptible to contracting infections easily. There are in fact quite a few uncomplicated things we can do to ensure stability to our health.
*Get Enough Sleep.
Not getting enough sleep can make you more likely to catch viruses or germs. And you may also take longer to get better. That's because your body can't make as many infection fighting cells and protein called antibodies that help defend against illness. The body releases certain proteins that help the immune system called cytokines, only during sleep.
* Reduce Anxiety
Stress and worry aren't great fighters. Just having anxious thoughts can weaken your immune response in as little as 30 minutes. Constant stress takes an even bigger toll and makes it harder to fend the flu, herpes, shingles, and other viruses.
*Enough Vitamin D
Apart from helping with stronger bones and blood cells, vitamin D also boosts your immune system. This vitamin is present in eggs. fatty fish, and fortified foods such as milk and cereal. Sunlight is another key source.
* Check your Medications.
Certain medications to treat allergies, arthritis lupus, IBS, and organ transplant can weaken your immune system. Talk to your doctor before you adjust any prescription medication
*Use more Fruits and Veggies.
These foods may help your body make more of the whole blood cells you need to fight off infection. Fresh produce and nuts and seeds pack a lot of zinc, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, and E and other nutrients you need for a healthy body. Plant based foods also fill you up with fiber, which help lower your body fat percentage, which can strengthen your immune response.
*Watch Your Pot Smoke.
Smoke from marijuana can inflame your lungs . If you take it regularly , you may have the same breathing problems you can get from nicotine cigarettes. That means coughing up colored mucus called phlegm and a higher chance of a lung infection.
*Cut Back on High Fat Diet
Oils can hinder germ-fighting white blood cells. A high fat diet over time can upset the balance of the bacteria in the gut that can help immune response.
*Get Adequate Sunshine.
Sunshine may energize special cells in your immune system called T-cells that help fight infection. Also some plants in the woods make phytoncides and other substances you breathe in that seem to bolster your immune system.
Credit: WebMD
A robust immune system is absolutely necessary is we want to stay healthy and less susceptible to contracting infections easily. There are in fact quite a few uncomplicated things we can do to ensure stability to our health.
*Get Enough Sleep.
Not getting enough sleep can make you more likely to catch viruses or germs. And you may also take longer to get better. That's because your body can't make as many infection fighting cells and protein called antibodies that help defend against illness. The body releases certain proteins that help the immune system called cytokines, only during sleep.
* Reduce Anxiety
Stress and worry aren't great fighters. Just having anxious thoughts can weaken your immune response in as little as 30 minutes. Constant stress takes an even bigger toll and makes it harder to fend the flu, herpes, shingles, and other viruses.
*Enough Vitamin D
Apart from helping with stronger bones and blood cells, vitamin D also boosts your immune system. This vitamin is present in eggs. fatty fish, and fortified foods such as milk and cereal. Sunlight is another key source.
* Check your Medications.
Certain medications to treat allergies, arthritis lupus, IBS, and organ transplant can weaken your immune system. Talk to your doctor before you adjust any prescription medication
*Use more Fruits and Veggies.
These foods may help your body make more of the whole blood cells you need to fight off infection. Fresh produce and nuts and seeds pack a lot of zinc, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, and E and other nutrients you need for a healthy body. Plant based foods also fill you up with fiber, which help lower your body fat percentage, which can strengthen your immune response.
*Watch Your Pot Smoke.
Smoke from marijuana can inflame your lungs . If you take it regularly , you may have the same breathing problems you can get from nicotine cigarettes. That means coughing up colored mucus called phlegm and a higher chance of a lung infection.
*Cut Back on High Fat Diet
Oils can hinder germ-fighting white blood cells. A high fat diet over time can upset the balance of the bacteria in the gut that can help immune response.
*Get Adequate Sunshine.
Sunshine may energize special cells in your immune system called T-cells that help fight infection. Also some plants in the woods make phytoncides and other substances you breathe in that seem to bolster your immune system.
Credit: WebMD