Ways to Fight the Aging Process.
1. Little Aches and Pains
1. Little Aches and Pains
Whether it's an old injury that keeps flaring up or the start of arthritis, you're likely to feel a few aches more often as you age. Regular movement can ease pain and make your joints more flexible. Try low-impact exercise like swimming, yoga and tai-chi. Heating pads or ice packs can help, too.
2. Wrinkles.
2. Wrinkles.
These show up as your skin gets thinner, drier, and less elastic. But some things can make them worse, like smoking and ultraviolet rays from the sun or a tanning bed. to ease these signs of aging protect your skin from the sun, and if you smoke, quit. Some skin products like moisturizers or prescription retinoids, might make wrinkles less noticeable.
Give them time to work- 6 weeks to 3 months.
3. Getting Enough Sleep
Give them time to work- 6 weeks to 3 months.
3. Getting Enough Sleep
Older adults who regularly get a good night's sleep reported improved cognitive function, improved memory, and better mental health. This is important for preventing age-related cognitive decline and dementia, as well as playing a roll in preventing depression, which is a common mental health disorder among older individuals. Coffee and alcohol can cause issues, so cutting back on them can help.
4. Cut Saturated Fats.
4. Cut Saturated Fats.
Saturated fats are bad for for heart. Major health groups like the American Heart Association says getting a lot of saturated fats raises your chance of getting heart disease.
5. Loss of Muscle
5. Loss of Muscle
Many people lose strength and endurance as they get older, but the reason isn't about the aging process. Many people just stop working on key muscles. The phrase "use it or lose it", applies here, so see if you can start weight training to build up your strength. Regular exercise like, walking, gardening, or swimming, can help too.
6. Memory Glitches
They might feel alarming, but they're part of the aging process. Your brain changes as you get olde, which can affect how well you remember things. You may need to learn a few tricks, like keeping lists, following a routine, and putting items in a set place. But some habits also help you keep your memory sharp. Also, being around friends and family often has been shown to boost your brain power.
7. Changes in Your Sex Life.
7. Changes in Your Sex Life.
Erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and other conditions that become more likely with age can make sex a challenge.Talk with your partner about how you're feeling and if you want to try different ways to be intimate.
Over-the-counter products like vaginal lubricants can help some issues. Keeping yourself healthy overall will help, too. Exercise boosts blood flow and sex hormones, and helps you feel good about yourself.
8. Better Sex
Over-the-counter products like vaginal lubricants can help some issues. Keeping yourself healthy overall will help, too. Exercise boosts blood flow and sex hormones, and helps you feel good about yourself.
8. Better Sex
Older women may have sex less often than when they were younger, but apparently they make it count.
In a study of women of 40 and over, researchers found that sexual satisfaction improves with age.
Women over 80 are more likely than between 55 and 79 say they were satisfied during sex.
Credit: WebMD
In a study of women of 40 and over, researchers found that sexual satisfaction improves with age.
Women over 80 are more likely than between 55 and 79 say they were satisfied during sex.
Credit: WebMD