It's not very often we associate liver diseases as having many forms. In fact they do. Like other infections their symptoms can mimic other diseases. today we would look at some of the more common forms of liver diseases.
There are more than 100 different liver diseases. They have different causes, including :
* Too much alcohol
*Medications, illegal drugs , or toxins
Even though there are different diseases and causes. many liver conditions damage the liver, in similar ways. Because of this, they look similar and cause similar symptoms.
You might not notice early symptoms. if you do, it might be hard to know what causing them. that's because early signs of liver are vague, like:
*Belly pain
* not feeling hungry
* Tiredness or lack of energy
You may just generally feel sick or unwell and not know why.
It's not very often we associate liver diseases as having many forms. In fact they do. Like other infections their symptoms can mimic other diseases. today we would look at some of the more common forms of liver diseases.
There are more than 100 different liver diseases. They have different causes, including :
* Too much alcohol
*Medications, illegal drugs , or toxins
Even though there are different diseases and causes. many liver conditions damage the liver, in similar ways. Because of this, they look similar and cause similar symptoms.
You might not notice early symptoms. if you do, it might be hard to know what causing them. that's because early signs of liver are vague, like:
*Belly pain
* not feeling hungry
* Tiredness or lack of energy
You may just generally feel sick or unwell and not know why.
As the liver gets more damaged , you notice clearer signs of a problem. Your skin may look yellow, along with the whites of your eyes. Doctors call this jaundice. This happens when too much yellow substance from your red blood cells called bilirubin builds up. Normally, your liver will clear the bilirubin out. But a damaged liver can't keep up, so level rises.
Another sign to look for is, itchy skin. If you have lasting liver problems, you may feel itchy. This happens even though you don't have a rash or anything on your skin. The itchiness can make it hard to do things sleep. It keeps up even if you scratch. If you have this, ask your doctor if there's medicine that can help.
As the liver gets more damaged , you notice clearer signs of a problem. Your skin may look yellow, along with the whites of your eyes. Doctors call this jaundice. This happens when too much yellow substance from your red blood cells called bilirubin builds up. Normally, your liver will clear the bilirubin out. But a damaged liver can't keep up, so level rises.
Another sign to look for is, itchy skin. If you have lasting liver problems, you may feel itchy. This happens even though you don't have a rash or anything on your skin. The itchiness can make it hard to do things sleep. It keeps up even if you scratch. If you have this, ask your doctor if there's medicine that can help.
In some people with ascites, legs and ankles also swell as fluid builds up. It might help to take less salt or take medicine that make you pee more.
Your liver is the reason that healthy poop looks brown. The brown color comes from bile salts that is made by your liver. If your liver doesn't make bile normally, or if the flow from the liver is blocked, your poop will look pale like the color of clay. Pale poop often happens along with yellow skin (jaundice). The extra bilirubin that makes your skin look yellow also can make your pee look unusually dark.
Your liver is the reason that healthy poop looks brown. The brown color comes from bile salts that is made by your liver. If your liver doesn't make bile normally, or if the flow from the liver is blocked, your poop will look pale like the color of clay. Pale poop often happens along with yellow skin (jaundice). The extra bilirubin that makes your skin look yellow also can make your pee look unusually dark.
If your liver is failing, you may notice you get bruises more easily. If you get a cut or a nosebleed, it may not stop like it should. While people with advanced liver disease are prone to bleeding, they also are more likely to get blood clots.
You may have red marks from blood vessels under your skin that look like spider web. Doctors call these spider naevi. They often happen on the cheeks, nose and neck. One study in people who were alcoholics found are a strong indicator of liver problems. People with these spider-like marks also have reddened palms (palmar erythema) Blotchy red palms are symptoms of advanced liver disease.
It's possible you have liver disease without knowing it. Lots of people with problems don't seem sick. As damage to the liver gets worse, symptoms will start . If the damage has gone too far, there might not be any way to fix it. But knowing what to look for can catch liver problems early. That way you'll have a chance to stop more damage and let your liver heal before it's too late.
Credit: WebMD
It's possible you have liver disease without knowing it. Lots of people with problems don't seem sick. As damage to the liver gets worse, symptoms will start . If the damage has gone too far, there might not be any way to fix it. But knowing what to look for can catch liver problems early. That way you'll have a chance to stop more damage and let your liver heal before it's too late.
Credit: WebMD