Blood Clots
A clot is a clump of cells and protein in your blood. It helps to slow bleeding when you're injured. It usually dissolves as you heal. But if it doesn't, or it forms when it's not needed, it can clog up or completely block a blood vessel.
An unexpected clot can lead to serious problems and even death. In an artery, it can give you a heart attack or a stroke. If it happens in a vein, you can feel pain and swelling . A deep clot inside your body is called a deep vein thrombosis. One in your lungs is a pulmonary embolism. They are both medical emergencies.
You can get a blood clot if you break a bone or pull a muscle badly. But sometimes you may not know why it happened or even realize you have one. Your odds of a clot are higher if you:
* Are recovering from surgery or had to sit for many hours on a flight or in a wheel chair.
*Are overweight or obese
*Have diabetes or high cholesterol
*Are over 60
When a clot slows or stops the flow of blood, it can build up in the vessel and make it swell. If it happens in your lower leg or calf, it's often a sign of DVT. But you can also have a clot in your arms or belly. Even after it goes away, one in three people still have swelling and sometimes pain and sores from damage to the blood vessel.
If a clog plugs up veins in your arms or legs, they may look blueish or reddish. Your skin also might stay discolored from damage to the blood vessel afterwards.
Clots in your lungs might cause your heart to race, or you may feel sweaty or faint. This is a serious symptom.
You can have clots in your belly and often feel no symptoms. Blocked veins in the stomach or esophagus, can rip and leak blood. This can hurt a lot. You may poop and also vomit blood, and your stool may look black and smell unusually bad.
Renal vein thrombosis are located in the kidneys. These clots grow slowly and mostly in adults. There are usually no early symptoms unless a piece breaks off and lodges in your lung.
If you suspect a blood clot, see your doctor or go to the emergency room right away. A clot can be deadly, and you won't know for sure you have it until you get checked .
Credit: WebMD
An unexpected clot can lead to serious problems and even death. In an artery, it can give you a heart attack or a stroke. If it happens in a vein, you can feel pain and swelling . A deep clot inside your body is called a deep vein thrombosis. One in your lungs is a pulmonary embolism. They are both medical emergencies.
You can get a blood clot if you break a bone or pull a muscle badly. But sometimes you may not know why it happened or even realize you have one. Your odds of a clot are higher if you:
* Are recovering from surgery or had to sit for many hours on a flight or in a wheel chair.
*Are overweight or obese
*Have diabetes or high cholesterol
*Are over 60
When a clot slows or stops the flow of blood, it can build up in the vessel and make it swell. If it happens in your lower leg or calf, it's often a sign of DVT. But you can also have a clot in your arms or belly. Even after it goes away, one in three people still have swelling and sometimes pain and sores from damage to the blood vessel.
If a clog plugs up veins in your arms or legs, they may look blueish or reddish. Your skin also might stay discolored from damage to the blood vessel afterwards.
Clots in your lungs might cause your heart to race, or you may feel sweaty or faint. This is a serious symptom.
You can have clots in your belly and often feel no symptoms. Blocked veins in the stomach or esophagus, can rip and leak blood. This can hurt a lot. You may poop and also vomit blood, and your stool may look black and smell unusually bad.
Renal vein thrombosis are located in the kidneys. These clots grow slowly and mostly in adults. There are usually no early symptoms unless a piece breaks off and lodges in your lung.
If you suspect a blood clot, see your doctor or go to the emergency room right away. A clot can be deadly, and you won't know for sure you have it until you get checked .
Credit: WebMD