These Can Hurt Your Kidneys.
1.Too much Protein
1.Too much Protein
Protein is essential to a healthy diet. But if your kidneys don't work normally, eating too much of it can overtax them. You may need to eat small portions of different types of protein. Egg, fish, beans, and nuts are all good sources.
In some people too much salt can raise blood pressure and speed up kidney damage. It may also lead to kidney stones, which can cause nausea, severe pain, and trouble peeing.

Not only can it worsen high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes --the two leading causes of kidney disease-- but it can interfere with medicines used to treat them. it also slows blood flow to the kidneys and can cause kidney problems in people who already have kidney disease.
Heavy chronic drinkers may increase their risks of chronic kidney disease. But a single binge session( more than four or five drinks in less than 2 hours ) can sometimes cause "acute kidney injury". That can lead to severe kidney damage, and you might need dialysis-- during which a machine helps to do part of of your kidney's work.
5. Sodas
If you drink two or more sodas a day, you may be more likely to get kidney disease. In one study, diet soda drinking women had kidneys that worked 30% less well after 20 years compared with other women. Sugar- sweetened drinks did not have the same effect.
6. Dehydration.
Your kidneys need water to work properly. Not getting enough-- especially if that happens often-- can cause kidney damage. To tell if you're drinking what you need -- your pee should be light yellow.\
7.Pain Medication.
Taken regularly, large amounts of over -the - counter medication -- acetaminophen, aspirin, naproxen, , and ibuprofen -- or the prescription NSIAD Celebrex )celecoxib) can damage your kidneys. Talk to your doctor, and be better advised.
8. Illegal Drugs
The use of cocaine, heroin or methamphetamine, can cause kidney damage in different ways. Some of these drugs can lead to high blood pressure, as well as being one of the leading causes of kidney failure.
Credit: WebMD
Heavy chronic drinkers may increase their risks of chronic kidney disease. But a single binge session( more than four or five drinks in less than 2 hours ) can sometimes cause "acute kidney injury". That can lead to severe kidney damage, and you might need dialysis-- during which a machine helps to do part of of your kidney's work.
5. Sodas
If you drink two or more sodas a day, you may be more likely to get kidney disease. In one study, diet soda drinking women had kidneys that worked 30% less well after 20 years compared with other women. Sugar- sweetened drinks did not have the same effect.
6. Dehydration.
Your kidneys need water to work properly. Not getting enough-- especially if that happens often-- can cause kidney damage. To tell if you're drinking what you need -- your pee should be light yellow.\
7.Pain Medication.
Taken regularly, large amounts of over -the - counter medication -- acetaminophen, aspirin, naproxen, , and ibuprofen -- or the prescription NSIAD Celebrex )celecoxib) can damage your kidneys. Talk to your doctor, and be better advised.
8. Illegal Drugs
The use of cocaine, heroin or methamphetamine, can cause kidney damage in different ways. Some of these drugs can lead to high blood pressure, as well as being one of the leading causes of kidney failure.
Credit: WebMD