Under Cover Trouble
We spend a third of our lives in bed. so, clean bed linens should be one of our must-do chores. think of the drool, sweat, dandruff, and other stuff we leave between the sheets. Ideally, we ought to launder them weekly, or at least every other week. But a recent survey found that Americans tend to be sheet slacker, going 25 days between washes.
Mites and Gross
We shed 500 million skin cells a day. Many slough off while we roll around in bed. All those dead cells pile up on our sheets in between washing. Tiny dust mites like to feed on the shed cells. The critters and heir droppings can trigger allergies, asthma, and cause your itchy eczema to flare up. If you're allergic to dust mites, wash you bedding every week in hot water.
We shed 500 million skin cells a day. Many slough off while we roll around in bed. All those dead cells pile up on our sheets in between washing. Tiny dust mites like to feed on the shed cells. The critters and heir droppings can trigger allergies, asthma, and cause your itchy eczema to flare up. If you're allergic to dust mites, wash you bedding every week in hot water.
Pets in Bed
Some of us sleep with our fur babies. Rover or Kitty's hair and dander on our bedding becomes extra buffet fare for dust mites. If our dog has a skin condition called mange also called animal scabies, we fortunately can't catch it from him but our skins can turn itchy and irritated. Our pets can also pass on fun gal infection called ringworm or scalp. we should aim to change our sheets once a week.
Some of us sleep with our fur babies. Rover or Kitty's hair and dander on our bedding becomes extra buffet fare for dust mites. If our dog has a skin condition called mange also called animal scabies, we fortunately can't catch it from him but our skins can turn itchy and irritated. Our pets can also pass on fun gal infection called ringworm or scalp. we should aim to change our sheets once a week.
Bacterial Bed Buddies
Dead skin cells, sweat, saliva, and more can turn your comfy bed into a petri dish for germs to grow. lab tests found that swab from pillow cases unwashed for a week harbored 17,000 times more colonies of bacteria than samples taken from a toilet seat.
Dead skin cells, sweat, saliva, and more can turn your comfy bed into a petri dish for germs to grow. lab tests found that swab from pillow cases unwashed for a week harbored 17,000 times more colonies of bacteria than samples taken from a toilet seat.
Bedroom Breakouts
If our acne worsens and we can't figure out why. Our dirty pillow cases could be to blame. The embedded dirt, dead skin, and bacteria can clog our pores. If we get bad breakouts, we need to change our pillow cases every 2-3 days and the rest of the bedding once a week.
If our acne worsens and we can't figure out why. Our dirty pillow cases could be to blame. The embedded dirt, dead skin, and bacteria can clog our pores. If we get bad breakouts, we need to change our pillow cases every 2-3 days and the rest of the bedding once a week.
Sickly Sheets
If we or our partner has been ill, toss the sheets into the washer right away to kill the lingering germs. Most bacteria or viruses can survive on soft surfaces for minutes to hours. The duration varies based on the specific microbe. Flu viruses live on tissues for just 15 minutes, but some stomach bugs can survive on fabric for 4 hours.
If we or our partner has been ill, toss the sheets into the washer right away to kill the lingering germs. Most bacteria or viruses can survive on soft surfaces for minutes to hours. The duration varies based on the specific microbe. Flu viruses live on tissues for just 15 minutes, but some stomach bugs can survive on fabric for 4 hours.
Bed Bugs
These aren't lured by dirty or clean sheets. They're attracted to us. They live in warm places close to people , so our beds are perfect . bedbugs crawl out at nights and feed on our blood. We may wake up with itchy bite marks. The bugs travel to our homes from places that are infested, like a hotel, dorm room, neighbors' apartments, schools, workplace on your jacket. In other words they are almost everywhere! Dry your bedding on hogh heat for about 30 minutes to kill the bugs and kill their eggs.
Credit: WebMD
These aren't lured by dirty or clean sheets. They're attracted to us. They live in warm places close to people , so our beds are perfect . bedbugs crawl out at nights and feed on our blood. We may wake up with itchy bite marks. The bugs travel to our homes from places that are infested, like a hotel, dorm room, neighbors' apartments, schools, workplace on your jacket. In other words they are almost everywhere! Dry your bedding on hogh heat for about 30 minutes to kill the bugs and kill their eggs.
Credit: WebMD