Surprising Healthy Foods.
Every now and then nutritionist issue reports on their latest finding of the kinds of food that are good for our health. Lots of these researches have proven to extremely helpful in helping us to pay attention to what we eat. With the holiday season on us and the plethora of cuisines that will be in our faces, these tips might prove helpful if you chose to be vegan or not.
1. Pasta
Every now and then nutritionist issue reports on their latest finding of the kinds of food that are good for our health. Lots of these researches have proven to extremely helpful in helping us to pay attention to what we eat. With the holiday season on us and the plethora of cuisines that will be in our faces, these tips might prove helpful if you chose to be vegan or not.
1. Pasta
A healthy diet doesn't have to be boring. Some foods that may seem like guilty pleasures can be good for you. What matters is how you prepare them and how often they are on your table. Take pasta: It is low in fat and salt and keeps you satisfied longer, so you're less likely to snack of overeat. But watch what you put on it.
2. Red Meat
2. Red Meat
I has to be the right kind: We're not talking prime rib or greasy hamburgers. Lean red meat - when you've trimmed off all the fat you can see - it's a great source of protein. omega - 3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, niacin, zinc and iron. One kaveat, it take a number of hours to digest.
3. Honey
3. Honey
This natural sweetness is full of antioxidants that can protect your cells and be good for inflammation. I can also help with the mix of bacteria in your gut, which is important for digestion and getting nutrients from food.
4. Peanut Butter
4. Peanut Butter
5. Chocolate
It' all about flavonoids, which may help protect from cell damage.They may also lower your blood pressure, improve blood flow to your brain and heart, and make you less likely to have certain of heart disease. Dark chocolate is best because it has more cocoa -- where the flavonoids live and the least sugar But you can have too much of a good thing, so just eat in moderation.
6. Eggs.
6. Eggs.
They give you a full range of vitamin B and amino acid, which are the building blocks of protein. They also have some nutrients that aren't in lots of foods, like vitamin D and selenium. An egg makes you feel full for a while, which makes them such a great way to start a day.
7. Dark Meat Chicken
7. Dark Meat Chicken
It has more saturated fat than white meat, but it's far richer in minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium, as well as vitamins A, B, and K. It is also high in taurine which breaks down fats and helps with inflammation and high blood pressure.
8. Potato Salad
8. Potato Salad
Cooled potatoes has something called "resistant starch", which acts like fibre and can help keep you regular and your gut healthy. Whether hot or cold potatoes have lots of nutrients, like potassium and magnesium. Look for low - fat, low - calorie mayonnaise top dress the salad.
9. Coffee
9. Coffee
Doctors used to warn people off coffee if they were at risk of heart disease or a stroke. But research now shows that even heavy drinking of this beverage doesn't raise your chances of those. But too much joe can make you jittery and do a number on your stomach. Also watch the cream and sugar.
10. Frozen Vegetables
10. Frozen Vegetables
Turns out frozen vegetables have the same health benefits as fresh - even more in some cases because they and picked and frozen at their nutritional best. Stock your freezer, and they'll be there whenever you need them.
11. Avocado
11. Avocado
Not all fat is bad. The kind in avocados is linked to a healthy heart and good cholesterol levels. And adding them to your regular diet may help with belly fat and protect your eyes and skin.