What About The Other Half?
As the music swelled during a recent wedding reception, my hopelessly romantic husband squeezed my hand, leaned in, and said, "You are better looking than half the women here."
Prepare For Takeoff
My seatmate on a flight was a woman. Ever the charmer, I asked, "Does the airline charge extra for sitting next to good looking men?"
"Yes", she said, "But I wasn't willing to pay."
As the music swelled during a recent wedding reception, my hopelessly romantic husband squeezed my hand, leaned in, and said, "You are better looking than half the women here."
Prepare For Takeoff
My seatmate on a flight was a woman. Ever the charmer, I asked, "Does the airline charge extra for sitting next to good looking men?"
"Yes", she said, "But I wasn't willing to pay."