Mental Health Awareness Month
It has been common for many years for people the see mental illness as taboo. Many sneered the mentally ill with the comment," He or She should get themselves together. " or "They need to get a life" And many similar comments.
With many of our learned behavior of putting people down, it's not difficult to see why mental health is at the bottom of of the health ladder for eons. A look at history would remind us of the plethora of instances where illness of varying types were treated with disdain. Common diseases like cancer, polio, leprosy, and muscular dystrophy were regarded as some evil omen that had afflicted a family.
It is understandable that many of these beliefs can be traced to mostly religious misunderstanding or in some instances bigotry. The influence of religion on peoples' lives back then was overwhelming. Some of the teachers themselves, were innocently unaware that they were uneducated with regard to the reasons why people became ill. Now that science in collaboration with peoples' religious beliefs are working together to some extent, we can say there is hope.
Mental illness spans a number of categories, among them schizophrenia, neurosis, bipolar disorder depression, anxiety disorder, autism and many more.
Many of us are not experts on this topic but, we can at least listen to what the science is saying about them . Remember that science in all its forms arrive at conclusions from regular and patterned behavior, and is not mere hearsay. Lots of these studies take place in a lab or otherwise applicable settings. Do the scientists err sometimes? Yes they do.
As we observe mental health month just remember that millions of Americans are afflicted with some form of mental illness. The severity varies. And just in case you forgot, "we're all broken" The biggest battle we all face is the thoughts that go on in our heads. Show empathy for those whose ability to cope is not as great as ours.
Take care of yourselves, including your mental health
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It has been common for many years for people the see mental illness as taboo. Many sneered the mentally ill with the comment," He or She should get themselves together. " or "They need to get a life" And many similar comments.
With many of our learned behavior of putting people down, it's not difficult to see why mental health is at the bottom of of the health ladder for eons. A look at history would remind us of the plethora of instances where illness of varying types were treated with disdain. Common diseases like cancer, polio, leprosy, and muscular dystrophy were regarded as some evil omen that had afflicted a family.
It is understandable that many of these beliefs can be traced to mostly religious misunderstanding or in some instances bigotry. The influence of religion on peoples' lives back then was overwhelming. Some of the teachers themselves, were innocently unaware that they were uneducated with regard to the reasons why people became ill. Now that science in collaboration with peoples' religious beliefs are working together to some extent, we can say there is hope.
Mental illness spans a number of categories, among them schizophrenia, neurosis, bipolar disorder depression, anxiety disorder, autism and many more.
Many of us are not experts on this topic but, we can at least listen to what the science is saying about them . Remember that science in all its forms arrive at conclusions from regular and patterned behavior, and is not mere hearsay. Lots of these studies take place in a lab or otherwise applicable settings. Do the scientists err sometimes? Yes they do.
As we observe mental health month just remember that millions of Americans are afflicted with some form of mental illness. The severity varies. And just in case you forgot, "we're all broken" The biggest battle we all face is the thoughts that go on in our heads. Show empathy for those whose ability to cope is not as great as ours.
Take care of yourselves, including your mental health
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